
After hearing about Auto Glym new product and how amazing the results were with such little effect. I have to get a bottle myself and see if this really could be a quick and easy product with amazing results. my first thoughts were surely this product cant be true whenever I have used Wax its requires you to coats to the bodywork and then buff off. Most of these older yet well know products its hard work applying and buffing so hearing that Auto Glym Rapid Aqua Wax only need a microfiber cloth to dry the surface area is mind-blowing. As you will be able to see from the photos below from my very own experience the result live up to all the comments and feedback I have heard so much about from other detailers.

This product really does do everything it says on the tin. At first, it seems a bit different spraying wax onto a wet bodywork and then uses a microfiber cloth to spread the wax over the panels but once you have seen the results you will be amazed. the last step is to use a Clean/Dry cloth just to buff and remove any leftover wax or water and its as easy as that you can see from my photo above the results speak for themselves.

How to use Auto Aqua Wax