
I come across Brilliance when having a brows on Autobrite Direct website. tried to find out if anyone online had done a hands on reviews of this product. After spending about 30 mins I gave up and thought I would order it myself and see whats its like spoiler alert “its really good”. I bought myself a new car and it being spring here in the UK and having to work outside a lot of the time i just wanted to give the car a wax/glaze just until i can speed a full weekend and give the car a proper clay bar (coming soon).

bmw m235i Wax

The Above photo is the results of Brilliance. The outcome was amazing and one I have already recommend to other detailing members. You really don`t need to use a lot of the formula as a little does go a long way. The car was left looking glossy and with a thick clout of wax. the protection seems to last for ages I have had it on the car for round 3 months now and I do wash my car a lot. The one thing I did find myself doing when using this product was applying too much formula this wasn’t a big issue just make it harder to buff off after it has dried, This will work in your favour tho because you wont run out anytime soon.

results of Brilliance

Overall Would I use this Product again?

Yes and I am so happy with the results I will be order more from Autobrite direct and cant wait to see what else they have to offer. I plan to apply this product to my other family members cars. The product adds a great layer of protections and will be great for any daily vehicles. Please feel free to click the link above and check the price on Amazon.